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For Sacred e-books follow this link http://www.sacred-texts.com

        Here is a list of over 300 other websites that can help you along your spiritual path and research. This is to help keep you informed regarding news and events on India, its culture and related topics, and other resources to assist you. Check back with us from time to time because we will be adding newer sites. 

        They are divided into categories, such as for:

1) Acquiring additional books and devotional items that you may like, 

2) Vaishnavism and Hare Krishna sites, 

3) Acquiring or reading numerous sacred texts, commentaries or songs online, 

4) Vedic Philosophy and Hinduism in General, plus some Current Issues and Information

5) Temples of India and others around the world, 

6) Sites of Krishna and Gaudiya Temples

7) Ancient Vedic culture and history of India, and for learning Sanskrit or Hindi.

Vedic Astrology, 

9) Yoga and Hatha Yoga,

10) Auyurveda and health issues,

11) Sites on Vastu, Vedic Science of Home Architectural Arrangement

12) Personal websites of others involved in Vedic research, writing, and activities,

13) Current news and issues, information, culture, events, resources, and travel in India,

14) Indian groceries, cooking utensils, and some recipes,

15) Information on traveling to India and elsewhere, and US-India relations,

16) Hindu organizations and Indian related issues,

17) Sites that Deal with Prejudice and Atrocities Against Indians and Hindus

18) For children, about their education, training, camps, children's online magazines, games, stories, etc., and on Missing Children and what to do.

19) U. S. Government related links and media contacts.

20) Sites for Critical Research into Other Religions

21) Additional Sites for Your Assistance. 

        At the bottom of the page is the link to a new addition called "Websites to the Fourth Dimension". This takes you to other topics regarding numerous mysteries around this planet and universe, as well as the real news behind the events that we hear about.

        Don't forget about the numerous links we have to websites about vegetarianism, recipes and many more resources on our "Vegetarian Resources" page.    

1. Sites for Additional Books, Deities, Paraphernalia, Spiritual Art, etc.

http://www.krishna.com  --  a newer site on many aspects of Krishna Consciousness and Vedic philosophy with books, CDas, DVDs, and other devotional items and resources to assist you. Also has Krishna radio with programs you can listen to with lectures, stories, music, etc.


http://www.prabhupada.com  -- the online store for the Bhaktivedanta Archives, for books, CDs, software, art, etc.


http://www.blservices.com  --  a company in Belgium serving people in Europe. It carries a multitude of spiritual books (including Stephen Knapp's), CDs, tapes, videos, etc., and the books of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Located at: B. L. Services, Petite Somme 2, 6940 Durbuy, Belgium / Phone: +3286323280 / Email: visnu.murti@bbt.se.  


http://vedicresource.com  --  a site for all kinds of books (including those of Stephen Knapp), tapes & CDs, Deities, clothes, meditation beads, incense, and many other items to help you with your spiritual life. Also, you can call them at 800-829-2579 to ask for their complete catalog.


Http://www.harekrishna.com/~ara   or   http://www.webcom.com/~ara - this is the Hare Krishna home page, site for many spiritual books, such as Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and more as published by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. You can also contact them by calling 800-927-4152, and ask for their complete catalog. This site also contains links for more information about the philosophy, spiritual masters, books, and many other topics related to the Vedic Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition of spiritual development and the Hare Krishna Movement. 


http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/catalog/welcome.html  --  The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) Catalog, order all their books directly. 


http://www.golden-wheel.net/fullhind.html --  a huge bibliography of books on Vedic philosophy and Hinduism, all available through Amazon.com, and more links to Hindu oriented websites.


http://www.bharatvani.org/books/hindusoc/ch8.htm  --  site of Bharatvani Institute with articles and books on the Aryan Invasion Theory, Hindu Human Rights, and other issues, with writers like Sita Ram Goel, David Frawley, and others.


http://www.Vedicarts.com  --  An enterprise dedicated to delivering Vedic knowledge, its culture and stories to children through books of all kinds, coloring books, cassettes, crafts, kits, puzzles, teenage classics, and more.   


http://www.matchless-gifts.com  --  in India, has all kinds of videos, video and audio CDs of holy places, festivals, songs, texts, etc. 


http://books.arshavidya.org  --  online bookstore of the Arsha Vidya Guruklum of Saylorsburg, PA, for many philosophical books from India, and those hard to find.


http://www.indianbookscentre.com  --  An online bookstore for Indian books.


http://indusbook.com/cgi-bin/indus455  --  Another online bookstore in Oregon of India books.


http://www.vedamsbooks.com  --  For books from India.  


http://users.erols.com/nataraj  --  Nataraj Book Publishers and distributors, offers a large list of South Asian books.


http://www.southasiabooks.com  --  site for the America outlet of imported books of all kinds from India. 


http://www.rudraksha-ratna.com  --  Rudra Center offers quality holy rudraksha beads, gemstones, yantras, malas, puja articles, etc.


http://www.indousplaza.com  --  site of Butala Emporium for all things India, including books, musical instruments, puja paraphernalia, arts & handicrafts, Ayurveda preparations, and much more.


http://www.jungleshop.com/books.html  --  The JungleShop Book Store, The bestseller book store online for a selection of sites that offer books on fiction, business, political, history, humor, cookbooks, college, travel, children's, health, mystery, used books, and many other spiritual and Vedic resources.

http://www.krishnaimages.com  --  a site for purchasing and of the Iskcon BBT paintings on canvas.

http://www.tazarat.com  --  a large site for Indian bronzes, deities, and antiques.


2. Sites Related to the Hare Krishna Movement (Iskcon) and Vaishnavism in General

Http://www.iskcon.org/hkindex -- links to most Iskcon (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) affiliated websites for spiritual information, resources, frequently asked questions about Iskcon, etc.

http://iskcon.org -- the complete picture of the Hare Krishna organization with many or your questions answered here.

http://www.iskcon.net/namahatta  --  This site is aimed at those who want to know more about how to practice Bhakti-yoga or Krishna Consciousness at home by a gradual process, starting with the basics and culminating in pure love of God. A most important site. 

http://www.iskcon.org/kchome/index.html  --  a simple site on practicing Krishna Consciousness at home.

Http://www.krsna.com  -- website for the "Back to Godhead" magazine, Bhaktivedanta Archives, various Iskcon related projects, and other links to additional sites.

http://www.harekrishnaworld.com  -- site for the newspaper "Hare Krishna World" which contains news of the Hare Krishna Movement.

http://www.prabhupada.tv  --  site of Illuminated Television website, with videos of Srila Prabhupada and the devotees' memories of him, etc.

http://www.itvproductions.net  --  Iskcon TeleVision Productions, offers many videos on the Hare Krishna Movement, its activities, Srila Prabhupada, life in India and the glories of Vedic culture, temples, holy places, cooking classes, etc.

http://www.prabhupada.com  --  site of the Bhaktivedanta Archives and the publications they provide. They also provide the Vedabase, which is a CD complete with all of the books of Srila Prabhupada and much more, all in a searchable Folio format, information on which can be obtained at http://www.vedabase.com.

Http://harekrishnatemple.com  --  a cyber Hare Krishna temple devoted to Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

http://www.afn.org/~bvi/  --  The Bhaktivedanta Institute, dealing with scientific matters in a spiritual light. 

Http://www.ifast.net - the site for the "Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology" and the books and activities of Bhaktitirtha Swami.

http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz  --  Vedic knowledge online, includes articles, books, Vedic texts, biographies of Vaishnava saints, links to many other Iskcon sites, frequently asked questions on Vedic philosophy, etc.

http://religion.krishna.org  --  many articles on comparative religion and Krishna Consciousness, their connections or dissimilarities.

http://www.hknet.org.nz/index-int.htm  --  the International Hare Krishna spiritual resource network, provides links to all kinds of sites, including those of temples all over the world, books, information, personal websites, and more. 

http://www.iskcon.net/hktv/  --  site of Hare Krishna Television, based in Houston, Texas.

http://www.vaisnavi.com  --  a site for women Vaishnavis, related to all areas of interest amongst women devotees.

http://www.ffl.org  --  Food for Life Global for vegetarian food relief.

http://www.indiadivine.com/main.htm  --  The Bhaktivedanta Ashrama in Mysore, India. This has many articles, discussions, online Vedic scriptures, numerous links to other websites, audio lectures, and more.

http://www.gopaljiu.org  --  the site for the Gopal Jiu and the Krishna Kathamrita Bindu magazines for studies of Vaishnavism. Associated with Gour Govinda Swami. 

http://www.festivalofindia.org.pl  -- site for the annual summer Festival of India in Poland and Europe. 

http://www.traveling-preacher.com/homepage.htm  --  website of H. H. Indradyumna Swami. 

http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Hinduism/Vaishnava  --  A large site with lots of links to websites about Vaishnavism, Hare Krishna and Iskcon. 

http://www.naturalnirvana.com/Vegetarian/Vegetarian-Links/HareKrishna.htm  --  lots of links to Hare Krishna and Vedic sites. 

http://www.hare-krishna.com  --  all about Deity worship in temples, in your home, and all the pujas, offerings, etc. 

http://www.avatara.org  --  a site that links you to other sites that are dedicated to the main avataras of the Lord that explain many things about Them. 

http://www.avatara.org/narasimha  --  site on Lord Narasimha, offers paintings, stories, prayers, etc. 

http://www.harekrsna.cz/nrsimha/html/home.html  --  site on Lord Narasimhadeva.

http://www.wva-vvrs.org  --  The site for the World Vaishnava Association, presenting much information about spiritual masters of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, and many of the available books by them. Plus, it promotes unity and better relations with all Vaishnava associations. 

Http://www.ramanuja.org -- home page of the Sri Vaishnavas.

http://www.geocities.com/visoka123/visoka/Jayananda/Jayananda_Website.htm  --  website dedicate to Jayananda, a great contemporary devotee who made the first Rathayatras possible in America, and was very inspiring in many ways.

http://www.jpsoffice.com  --  site of Jayapataka Swami's office, tells of his activities.  

http://www.srilagourgovindaswami.org  --  the beautiful and official site of Srila Gour Govinda Swami.

http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/pramana.htm  --  transcendental knowledge based on Sri Jiva Gosvami's Tattva Sandarbha.

http://www.prabhupadaconnect.com  --  a site to help you connect with Srila Prabhupada with his lectures, writings, articles, and more.

http://www.harekrishnala.com  --  site of the major Krishna temple in Los Angeles, with programs, live feed of the temple room and Deities, Gift shop, restaurant, etc.

http://www.utahkrishnas.com  --  site of the beautiful Krishna temple in Spanish Fork, Utah and their radio broadcasts you can listen to online.

http://www.distributebooks.com  --  on ways to distribute more of Srila Prabhupada's books.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SeniorDevoteeGodsisters/  --  a yahoo group for women Vaishnava devotees to discuss various issues amongst women only.

http://webcom.com/~ara  --  Hare Krishna Home page for more information on the movement, with articles, online books, send for additional books, and more.

http://www.harekrishnaturkey.com  --  A Hare Krishna site that explains everything in Turkish.

http://www.salagram.net  --  a great site on all aspects of spiritual development.


3. Sites for Access to Sacred Vedic Texts, Commentaries and Songs

http://www.iskcon.org/sastra/bg.html  --  offers "The Bhagavad-gita As It Is," with transliterated Sanskrit, word-by-word synonyms, English translations, and commentary by Srila Prabhupada of all 700 verses.

http://www.krishna.com/gita/index.htm  --  the Bhagavad-gita online, read the whole Gita, hear the audio, lectures , read articles on the Gita, etc.

http://www.krsnabook.com/index.html  --  the online copy of the complete "Krsna" Book, summary of the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, by Srila Prabhupada. 

http://www.asitis.com  --  provides "Bhagavad-gita As It Is", by Srila Prabhupada.

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org  --  a beautiful site with the Srimad-Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana) online. 

http://harekrishnatemple.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid+3  --  a site where you can download many of the books by Srila Prabhupada. 

http://wald.heim.at/sherwood/530002/  --  a site where all of Srila Prabhupada's books are available for downloading only.  

http://www.hare-krishna.org/srila-prabhupada-books.htm  --  another site where you can download the books of Srila Prabhupada that are listed here. 

http://freeprabhupadabooks.tripod.com  -- offers many free RTF format editions of Srila Prabhupada's books, downloadable in zip files to be unzipped with WinZip. 

http://gauranga1.tripod.com/library/id25.html  --  lots of books for reading online or downloading. Includes Bhakativinoda Thakur, Sanatana Gosvami, Jiva Gosvami, Raghunatha das Gosvami, Narottama dasa Thakura, Ramananda Raya, etc.

http://www.iskcon.org/sastra/bs.html  --  the Brahma-Samhita by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur online.

http://webcom.com/~ara/col/books/YM/poy/contents.html  --  the Path of Yoga online.

http://www.philosophy.ru/library/asiatica/indica/authors  --  lots more Vedic oriented books online. 

http://www.iskcon.org/sastra/vs.html  --  lots of Vaishnava songs by Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Narottama dasa Thakur, and others. 

http://web.tiscali.it/gopala/Vaishnava-Songs/index.html  --  where you can read or download the words to numerous songs composed by the Vaishnava Acharyas. 

 http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/books/VEG/ht  --  the online copy of "The Higher Taste: A Guide to Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking and a Karma-Free Diet." A complete cookbook with dozens of vegetarian recipes. 

http://www.bhagavad-gita.org  --  all about Bhagavad-gita, with audio lectures and films online. 

http://www.gita-society.com  --  all about the Bhagavad-gita, free classes, online editions of the Gita and other information.

http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/index.htm  --  a source for online and downloads of various Vedic texts in English, includes Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharata, Ramayana, etc.  Also use http://www.sacred-texts.com/index.htm.

http://www.DharmicScriptures.org  --  downloadable forms of all Vedas in Microsoft Word and other Dharmic texts, such as the Major and Minor Puranas and others. 

http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext05/8sutr10.txt --  the Vedanta Sutras with commentray by Ramanuja. Also http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/books/gutenberg/etext05/8sutr10.zip  --  for downloading the zip files of the Vedanta Sutras with commentary by Ramanuja. 

http://www.sacred-texts.com  --  a site with access to all kinds of sacred texts from a wide variety of traditions. 

http://www.mum.edu/vedicreserve  --  a Maharishi Mahesh Yogi site with lots of Vedic texts available in pdf. format.

http://sanskrit.safire.com  --  offers a wide range of Sanskrit texts, some also translated into English, for reading online or downloading, mostly in pdf. Sahasranams of Vishnu, Shiva, Lalita, Radha-Krishna, Durga. Lakshmi, etc. (However, I found that some of the links on this site do not work)

http://sanskrit.bhaarat.com/Dale  --  another link to Sanskrit texts and translations of all kinds.

http://sanskrit.safire.com/pdf/VISHNU2.PDF  --  the Vishnu Sahasranam in Sanskrit in Adobe format. 

http://sanskrit.gde.to/TextsElsewhere.html  -- a listing of web sites that offer Sanskrit texts online.  

http://www.vedamantram.com  --  offers many audio files of various stotras, stutis and suktams, such as from the Upanishads and others. 

www.geocities.com/ramya475/  --  translations (more than 40) are given of many great sthothras, including Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lalitha Sahasranamam, Soundarya Lahari, Shivananda Lahari, Devi Mahatmyam, Sundara Kandam, etc.

http://www.vedah.com/vedah/rv/firstash/test_i.htm  --  The first Ashtaka of the Rig Veda. 

http://www.celextel.org  --  Celextal's Online Spiritual Library. Has English translations of Bhagavad-gita, Brahma Sutras, 76 Upanishads, some of Adi Shankara's books, and more.

http://www.mssc.edu/projectsouthasia/history/primarydocs/arthashastra/index.htm  --  Kautilya's Arthashastra. 

http://www.hindulinks.org/Scriptures/index.html  --  offers various texts and articles about the Vedic scriptures. 

http://www.dharmakshetra.com/literature/vedas/atharva%veda.html  --  the English translation of the Atharva Veda.

http://www.hinduwebsite.com/sacredscripts/hinduism_scripts.htm  --  Many Vedic scriptures, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-gita, Laws of Manu, Yoga Sutras, Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc. 

http://www.valmikiramayan.net  --  a complete online Ramayana in both Sanskrit and English translations.

http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduscriptlinks.htm  --  links to other sites on Vedic and Hindu scriptures or information about them. 

http://www.sivanandadlshq.org/religions/religions.htm  --  information on various aspects of Hinduism and its scriptures.

http://www.swaveda.com/Religion/Vedas/Vedas.htm  --  English translations of the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-gita, etc. However, the timeline that is offered on this website is quite inaccurate. Also http://www.swaveda.com/etext.php

http://www.prapatti.org  --  contains lots of stotras and prayers to all the divine personalities in Sanskrit, Tamil, and other languages.

http://bhagavad-gita.org/index-arabic.html  --  ARABIC SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA ONLINE.

http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html#downloads  --  this is where you can download a Sanskrit reader that you can use with other word processing programs to use or read Sanskrit. 


Additional Sacred Texts and Material

http://www.webcom.com/~gnosis/library/cac.htm  --  the apocryphal texts of the Nag Hammadi Library.

http:///www.webcom.com/~gnosis/library/polem.htm  --  polemical works against gnosis.


4. Sites for Vedic Philosophy and Hinduism in General, plus some Current Issues and Information

http://www.hinduism.co.za  --  a site with lots of articles on the various aspects and basics of Hinduism.

http://www.vina.org - site of the Vaishnava Internet News Agency, articles on all kinds of spiritual topics and events.

Http://www.hinduweb.org - has many links to sites related to the Hindu and Vedic culture, resources, books, temple art, and much more.

http://www.gosai.com -- Gateway to Ancient India. Has articles and information on Vedic discoveries, Indian archeology, the Aryan Invasion Myth, philosophical traditions, pilgrimage places, Vedic sciences, and more.  

Http://www.philo.demon.co.uk/vedanta.htm  --  a balanced introduction into the philosophy of Vedanta and an explanation against the impersonalist or mayavada philosophy that accepts that God is an impersonal force or Brahman only.

http://www.geocities.com/dipalsarvesh  --  a personal website with lots of info and articles on various aspects of Vedic culture, date of the Mahabharata, the falsity of the Aryan Invasion Theory, Vedic science and mathematics, and much more. 

http://hinduism.about.com/?once=true&  --  A large site with many links to various websites offering all kinds of information about Hinduism, both modern and ancient. 

Http://www.ahista.com/dvt/vedchant.html - site on Vedas and Vedic knowledge and mantras.

http://www.swordoftruth.com/swordoftruth/multimedia/krishnapresentation/html/introduction.html  --  This presentation shows how reverence for Lord Krishna is a consistent and unifying theme of all cultural traditions in every state of India. Very nice and informative.  

http://spirituality.indiatimes.com  --  a positive site on the many aspects of spiritual paths and spiritual teachers and leaders in India and abroad.

http://www.thevedicfoundation.org  --  a site and organization for reestablishing the greatness of Hinduism.

http://www.dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Hinduism  --  A large site with hundreds of links available for all kinds of websites about Hinduism in general.

http://www.hindulinks.org  --  Another site that can provide a large number of links for reaching additional websites for a host of topics and issues related to Hinduism. 

http://www.hindunet.org/home.shtml  --  a site that can connect you with many other Hindu related organizations, discussions, temple directories, and links, presenting a variety of information on all aspects of Hinduism and Vedic culture. 

http://www.swaminarayan.org  --  site of the large Swaminarayan (BAPS) group.

http://urday.com/indexb.asp  --  a site on the many beliefs and practices of all religions found in India, from Hinduism, Vaishnavism, Jainism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, etc., plus astrology, poojas, online arati, Vedas, Ayurveda, etc. Also try http://www.urday.com

http://onlinedarshan.com  --  allows you to do a simple darshan and puja to prints of the main Deities of Hinduism, with accompanying audio prayers that you can recite along with the arati. 

Http://www.goloka.com - a general interest site with many Indian paintings in particular styles.

http://htmlgear.lycos.com/link/control.link?u=gauranga1&i=2&a=render&style=list  --  a site with links to many devotional and spiritual sites.

http://www.geocities.com/lavlesh/contents-sudheer.html  --  Sudheer's site with many insightful articles on numerous aspects of the scientific contributions of ancient Indian and Hindu culture.

http://www.hinduism.co.za/amazing.htm  --  plenty of articles on Vedic culture's connection with scientific and historical discoveries. 

http://www.bharatvani.org/books.html  --  has online books on Hindu issues by Sita Ram Goel, David Frawley and others. Many contemporary topics covered, like the Aryan Invasion Theory, Muslim atrocities and invasions of India, etc.   

http://www.shivashakti.com  --  information on different aspects of the tantrik tradition, groups, teachings, and texts.

http://www.hinduwisdom.info  --  a large site with lots of basic information about Hinduism. 

http://www.123greetings.com/links/events/durga_puja/happy/  --  a nice little site about Durga Puja and other events and information.

http://sify.com/samacharreligion/festivals/durgapuja/index.php  --  site on Goddess Durga and her legends, stories, worship, etc.

http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduismlinks.htm  --  links to information on various aspects of Hinduism. 

http://www.rakshabandhan.net  --  a site that describes and facilitates the festival of Rakshabandhan, wherein the sister honors her brothers. 

http://www.diwali-greetings.com  --  a pleasant site that allows you to send email greetings for various Vedic holidays, like Diwali.

http://www.diwaligreatings.us  --  is another site that offers many features for sending electronic email greeting cards.

http://www.diwali-cards.com  --  send your holiday greetings through the features on this enjoyable site.

http://www.holi-ecards.com  --  a site for acquiring and sending ecards for Hindu celebrations like Holi, plus links to other sites.

http://www.hindu-festivals.com --  a site on the great festivals of India.


5. Sites that will take you to Vedic temples in India and sites around the world

Http://www.iskcon.net/darshan - a site that offers a virtual darshan through color photos of the many Deities in temples around the world.

http://mathura-vrindavan.com  --  a site on Lord Krishna and the holiest places of Mathura and Vrindavan.

http://mathuravrindavan.com  --  another site on the holy places of Mathura and Vrindavana and Lord Krishna. 

http://www.vrindavanmvt.com  --  gateway to visiting Vrindavana. 

http://www.radhadamodarmandir.com  --  site of the famous Radha Damodar temple in Vrindavana.

http://ori.nic.in/jagannath  --  the site of Lord Jagannatha's temple in Jagannatha Puri. You can also use http://ori1.nic.in/jaga/

http://www.neonblue.com/tfs/nathindex.htm  --  a site all about Lord Jagannatha in Puri. 

http://www.jagannathpuri.blessingsonthenet.com  --  a site on the temple in Jagannatha Puri, and a gateway to many other important temples.

http://www.badrinath-kedarnath.org  --  website of the temples in Badrinatha and Kedarnatha in the Himalayas, as well as links to other important temples of India.

Http://www.hindunet.org/temple_info - information of numerous Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist temples around the world, includes maps, history, scriptures, directories of temples, pilgrimage sites, photos, temples in the news, with lots more info and links.

Http://www.balaji.net - a large and interesting site for the Sri Venkateswara temple in Tirupati, India, one of the most famous temples in the world.

http://www.tirumala.org  --  all about the temple of Sri Balaji (Venkateswara) at Tirupati

http://sribalaji.com  --  another site on the temple of Tirupati and Lord Balaji. 

http://www.guruvayurdevaswom.com  --  official site for the Vishnu temple in Guruvayur. 

http://www.vaishnodevi.com  --  site for the famous Vaishnodevi temple near Jammu, India.

http://www.ahobilamutt.org  --  site on the temple at Lord Narasimhadeva's appearance place in South India. 

http://www.indiantemples.com  --  a large site of information, locations and photos of over 2000 temples and pilgrimage places in India. You can also use http://www.templenet.com

http://www.indiantemplesportal.com  --  for temples all over India.

http://www.templepages.com  --  a site that offers miscellaneous information about temples of South India.

http://www.kumbakonam.info  --  a great site all about the wonderful temples of Kumbakonam, South India.

http://www.templenet.com/desam.htm  --  temple of Vishnu, Shiva and others in India.

http://www.templenet.com  --  the ultimate source of all kinds of information on all kinds of temples in India.

http://travel.indiamart.com/places-of-worship  --  A site that can take you to many places of pilgrimage and temples around India. You can also check out  http://travel.indiamart.com/pilgrimage

http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/5349/  --  a site on the temples of the nine planets in India. 

http://www.geocities.com/vinodsrivatsanparthasarathy/SriVaishnavaDivyaDesams.html  --  offers descriptions of the 108 Divya Desams, the 108 most holy places to Lord Vishnu. 

http://www.art-and-archaeology.com  --  has a list of India's archeological sites, and has a glossary of many terms related to India's sites.

http://www.koausa.org/index.html  --  A site on all aspects of Kashmir, its temples, religion, history, politics, and the damage that has been done to Kashmir and it's Hindu people by the campaign of intimidation and terrorism from the militant wing of the Islamic secessionists, and how you can contribute to saving the refugees and orphaned children from the war there.   

http://members.tripod.com/~Bhagavan/temples.htm  --  a site connecting you with other temple websites from various places in the world.

http://siddhanta.shaivam.org/toi.html  --  seeing temples outside India.

http://www.indianet.com/ganesh/tonline.html  --  a listing of websites of Hindu temples of North America. You can also check http://www.hindumandir.us/ .

http://www.nchtuk.org  --  site of the National Council of Hindu Temples in the United Kingdom, lists of temples and more information.

http://www.dcunitedtemples.org  -- for descriptions and addresses of all the prominent Hindu temples in the Washington, D.C. area. 

http://www.caribbeanhindu.com  --  a site on the news, events, temples, noteworthy people and issues that concern the Hindus and temples in the Caribbean region. 

http://www.mandirnet.org  --  site for Hinduism and lots of information about the significance of temples and temples around the world. 

http://www.theangkorguide.com  --  all about the fabulous temples at Angkor Wat. 

http://www.cambodian.com/angkor/  --  another site on the temples of Angkor Wat.

http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/vasu  --  provides lists and images of Vedic temples around the world, and basic precepts of Hinduism.

http://www.sacredsites.com  --  an extensive site about traveling to and photographing the sacred sites from all over the world in all the major countries and cultures. 

http://www.travelblog.org/Photos/21378.html  and  http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/Stephan-and-Klaudia  beautiful photos of travel through the orient.


6. Sites of Krishna and Gaudiya Temples (More can be found in the Temple Directories)

http://www.iskcon.net/utah  --  a beautiful site on the new Iskcon temple in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

http://www.iskcondc.org  --  The site of the Hare Krishna temple in the Washington, D.C. area. 

http://www.iskconchicago.com  --  The beautiful and informative site for the Hare Krishna temple in Chicago.

http://www.radhagovinda.net  --  site for the New York Krishna temple and information about its programs and more.

http://www.krishnanyc.com  --  site on the first Iskcon temple in America at 26  2nd Avenue, New York City. Lists its programs, festivals, newsletter, etc.

http://www.newvrindaban.com  --  site for the rural New Vrindaban community in West Virginia, with directions, listing of facilities, darshan of the Deities, etc.

http://www.mayapur.info  --  site on the Mayapur, India temple and its projects and festivals.

http://www.harekrishna.asn.au  --  a site on Iskcon Australia with lots of lectures to hear or read, books, articles, and information on all Krishna temples in Australia.

http://www.veda.ru  --  site of the Moscow Center of Vedic Culture, in Russian or English.

http://www.detroitiskcon.org  --  site of the Detroit Iskcon temple.




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